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The Power of Yet

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The Nurtured Mommy

By: Denise E. Bailey   |   January 4, 2024

I’d love to start this article by wishing you a very Happy New Year. Before we dive into what we are working towards in 2024, let’s take a moment to review all that was created this year. We must learn to celebrate our big and small victories because it’s the fuel that keeps our inner light burning. The intention of my articles in 2024 are to encourage you to take out a journal, light a candle, and dive a little deeper (inspired by my practice with Silk + Sonder). I have found that guided journal prompts have provided me with a tremendous amount of new found internal space with a sprinkle of peace. I will list all the questions at the end of each article should you choose to dive in. No pressure though, just by reading your mind is already working on something that your soul already knows it wants.

My goal in 2023 was to recognize and define my own values. And let me tell you…it has truly been a year of discovery. I had no idea how hard this task would be. When we take a moment to recognize what matters most, we often have to let go of things and people that don’t align. I recognized that kindness, gratitude, honesty, and curiosity are core to my essence. And that perfection, likeability, and beauty couldn’t be further from my truth. Some of these values were imposed on me by others, most by the media. What’s crazy is when you start to shed the ones that you haven’t chosen, you realize the life you’ve been living isn’t by conscious choice. I had to feel it all, and it was both joyful and exhausting. I have a lot more work here to do, but for now I am proud of where I am.

The month of January brings both the feeling of excitement for what is ahead and the guilt for what wasn’t accomplished. Much like everything in life, you have to choose your perspective. Before you dive in, remember the power of yet. It means there is still time. Assuming you do too, let’s take a moment to remember what you are capable of when you put your mind to it. This year, I am focusing on myself. Crazy to say this out loud, but it is true. Our oldest daughter is eight years old, and our identical twin daughters are six. We are in a different phase for sure. About a year ago I started to rise above the fog and feel the sun again. I knew it was always up there, but sometimes questioned if I’d ever feel it again. I used to think that I wanted to feel like my old self again, now I realize that is impossible. I am no longer 35 years old and pregnant with our first child. A lot of life has happened since 2015. Being who I was would never be enough because I’ve worked so hard to become who I am. 

My husband was recently hospitalized after his wound from an achilles surgery in October got infected. It was a fragile moment where I realized that without our health, nothing really matters. So this year I am focusing on my physical health. I am just starting to unwind how to go about it.

I know better than thinking it’s gonna change with a juice cleanse; those days are over. It is time to prioritize my sleep (limiting social media scrolling), how much water I drink (only one cup of coffee a day), and finding ways to move my body again (taking a ten minute break from work to walk). My hope is that these will also inspire me to eat more nutritious foods. We can’t pour from an empty container. Even the airlines tell us to secure our mask first before helping our child (should the cabin pressure change). In the end, I know our daughters will do what I do and not what I say. And hopefully I can model some healthy values before they break away to discover their own. 

Journal Prompts:
Reviewing 2023
What are three things you created in 2023 that didn’t exist before? 
What did you learn about yourself?
What haven’t you done in 2023, yet? 

Setting Intentions for 2024
What is your focus this year?
What do you value most and why?
What is one word that defines your 2024 goals? 

Denise is a coffee lover, over-sharer, and truth seeker who is dedicated to vulnerably discussing the not so pretty parts of this amazing role. She is inspired by her three daughters to help women manage their expectations, let go of perfectionism, and lean into their enoughness. Denise is working on becoming a published author while simultaneously trying to figure out how to truly nurture herself in the midst of motherhood and beyond.
Read more on her Instagram @thenurturedmommy
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Glad That’s Over HERE >> 

Move More in 2024 HERE >>

Postpartum Support Center: Wraparound Services for Perinatal Families HERE >>

The Power of Yet HERE >>