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Move More in 2024

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Movement & Motherhood

By: Kristin Colsky Gavin   |  January 4, 2024

If you are looking to build a consistent movement practice in the new year, you are not alone. Improving health and fitness is always near or at the top of everyone’s list of resolutions. The gyms are extra busy in January as demand for classes increases. Unfortunately, the majority of those who try to commit to new fitness programs will give up on their aspirations within a couple of months. I have been able to stick to a consistent fitness practice for years and would love to share some ideas on how you can adhere to this healthy habit in the new year. Here are just a few strategies to consider. Maybe one of them will resonate with you!

1. Choose something you like.
Instead of dragging yourself to that class you dread, find something you enjoy doing and focus on that. It could be anything, as long as it gets you moving. Try to find something that energizes instead of depletes you. If you feel like you want a nap after your workout, then that probably is not going to be a sustainable option for you. What if you have not found any workout that you like? Well, I challenge you to try something that you have never done before. You never know what you might discover about yourself. 

2. Figure out whether you enjoy working out with friends or having solo time.
Some people love to exercise with friends. It energizes them and makes it more fun. These people might want to find an in-person class or go on a social walk with a friend. Others relish having alone time when they can just have some peace or space to think. These people might enjoy a solo swim or run or perhaps a virtual yoga or Pilates class. Once you know where you fall, choose your activities accordingly. 

3. Make it easy.
Set it up so that it is difficult to fail. Some ways that you could do this include building in some accountability, for example paying for classes, a membership, or private sessions ahead of time so that you are more likely to follow through. You could create a weekly schedule, write it down, and put it where the whole house can see it. Block off the time just as you would any other important appointment, and keep it on your schedule. If you are a busy parent with a never-ending to-do list, getting your workout in might seem like something that does not deserve to be at the top of your list, but if you want to improve or even maintain your health and fitness, you have to treat it as a high priority.

4. Work with someone.
Schedule your workouts with a trainer or teacher who can help you stay on track. If you find it difficult to develop a fitness habit, either because you cannot stay motivated or because classes you take leave you feeling unfulfilled or unseen, you may need more personalized, individualized attention and direction. Working one-on-one with a professional in this space can be a wonderful way to support you and your unique body, history, journey, and goals. 

5. Create rewards.
After completing goals that you design for yourself, such as exercising three times a week for a month, try rewarding yourself with something special to you. This could be a fun weekend getaway, a relaxing spa day, a date night, a new set of workout clothes, or anything that brings you joy and will keep your motivation going. Just be mindful of choosing a healthy reward that does not derail your progress. If you are someone who would be more motivated by an immediate reward, try treating yourself soon after you work out with something like a luxurious shower or bath, a favorite show, or a podcast or book you love.

6. Start small.
If you have not been able to make your movement practice a habit, starting with small goals can be a simple way to jumpstart your progress. Doing something for ten minutes every day (or most days) could be more beneficial than doing it an hour once a week in terms of forming a habit. Of course, you do not have to do the same thing every day, just some sort of movement. If it becomes something that you do all the time and you have a schedule, then you eliminate decision fatigue and the possibility of overthinking it. It is incredible how even a short workout can deliver a mood and energy boost. Over time, you might find yourself looking to carve out time for longer workouts. Who knows, moving your body might become something that you simply cannot picture your life without. Happy New Year!

Kristin Colsky Gavin is a native of Sausalito and lives there now with her husband, John, and her two-year-old son, William. She is a UC Berkeley graduate and Pilates instructor with ten years of experience and her own business, Kristin Gavin Pilates. Kristin has worked with all kinds of bodies, ages, and fitness levels but has a particular passion for working with pregnant and postpartum clients. She is also studying to consult on nutrition for pregnancy, postpartum, and babies. Contact her at Website coming soon!

When not practicing or teaching Pilates, Kristin can be found swimming, practicing yoga, hiking the trails of Marin, cooking, writing, studying languages, traveling near and far, and spending time with her family. She started open water swimming several years ago and has completed the Alcatraz to San Francisco swim three times.

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