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Joinable Brings People Together

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By: Celeste Ezell   |  December 2, 2022

SMMC brings moms together to support each other, share resources, play together and build community. We have a rare and special community. Recently, I learned about how Joinable is similarly connecting communities in various circles. I interviewed the owners Teg Grenager, Heather Hughes and Ammon Haggerty to learn more.

SMMC: What is Joinable and who is it for?
Joinable: Since we started this journey two years ago, we’ve been on a mission to bring people together to build local community. Joinable is altogether different from social media. It’s a simple communication hub purpose-built (with love) for people and groups to connect: neighbors, parent groups, book clubs, and PTA committees. We support people actually getting to know each other, staying connected, and planning in-person events. 

We all wish we knew more people in our neighborhood… people we like and can count on in small ways to carpool our kids, move a heavy dresser, borrow a tool - or just a cup of sugar.

SMMC: How is Joinable different from Facebook or Nextdoor?
Joinable: Unlike friending or following on social media, connecting on Joinable unlocks meaningful opportunities to spend time together and get to know each other better. Of course, we can browse each other’s Joinable profiles and message one another. However, Joinable also provides new and exciting ways to connect: Shared Activities, Lending Library, and Shared Requests.

SMMC: Can you share more about these features?
Joinable: Shared Activities are the small things we plan to do that would be even better with friends like a morning playdate at the park, a weekend hike, ride, or golf game, or arranging a moms/dads night out. When you put your morning walk on the Shared Activity calendar, your connections can see it and easily RSVP to join and you can do the same for them. Shared Activities fill life with fun, informal opportunities to spend time in real life with friends, old and new.

The Lending Library is an easy way to share stuff with trusted people. Have you ever needed to borrow some kid stuff - like a highchair or stroller - but just didn’t know who - or how - to ask? We have stuff in our garage that we don’t use very often but would be happy to lend to a friend. Everybody’s lending library grows as their network grows. Maybe you don’t have to buy your own spare cot, after all!

Shared Requests provide an easy way to ask connections for help. Unlike “friends” on social media, Joinable connections are private and carefully selected neighbors so you can feel comfortable asking them for a recommendation, something you need to borrow, or a small favor like a ride to the doctor. It’s amazing how quickly people respond - we all want to help!

SMMC: Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Joinable: We built Joinable because we see how separate and isolated our society has become, and want to help people reconnect within their communities. People are not islands—we need to spend time together and support each other in order to be genuinely happy and healthy. Helping others we care about is so deeply satisfying! 

We’d love for you to give Joinable a try. Invite friends, neighbors, or just cool people you meet and want to get to know better, to connect on Joinable.

From left: Owners Teg Grenager, Heather Hughes and Ammon Haggerty

Teg Grenager, Heather Hughes and Ammon Haggerty met 10 years ago when volunteering together at their childrens’ co-op preschool. During the pandemic they reconnected and created Joinable out of a deep desire to build real local community. Teg studied machine learning at Stanford and spent 10 years as a software product leader. Heather Hughes has worked as an educator, nonprofit leader, and researcher. And Ammon is a design technologist who led personalization and user experience teams at Microsoft and BCG. 

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