I imagine a motherhood that begins with support through the entire journey, starting with preconception, pregnancy, birth, and baby’s first days. During those days when we are just figuring things out and our bodies are recovering, I picture a time when new mothers are cared for, cooked for, and cleaned for while they focus on taking care of baby. Friends come by to drop off nourishing food, not just to see the baby. Partners, who have been able to take a while off work, pick up extra household duties. Family members spend time with older children, taking them out for adventures and activities, when they are not bonding with their new sibling. Mom is allowed to heal and rest, while feeling the love, respect, and contributions of those around her. This support does not end after even a few weeks, but continues, if to a lesser extent, for much longer.
I imagine mothers having the ability to comfortably take off at least one year from work, or more if desired, to raise baby during that precious, important time. Mom is able to slow way down and enjoy so many of the firsts in real life, not on camera secondhand. Breastfeeding and caring for an infant is treated like a full-time job, even if it is unpaid. During the early years, especially before school starts, moms check in on each other and friends check in on their mom friends to make sure that they are okay and to ask how they can help. What’s more, moms accept help and support with eagerness and gratitude, letting go of the idea of trying to do everything themselves.