The transition to school is a big one. Whether it’s starting Preschool, the first year of T.K. or Kindergarten, the first year at a new school, or simply heading back to a new grade with a new teacher. I am often asked as an educator how to ease this transition, and the advice I always come back to is to trust your child and the caregiver that you have chosen for them. You likely weighed your school options and chose this particular school because it aligns with your values. So then, I believe the hardest part as a parent is to step back and try not to control this transition. Leading up to the first day of school, however, there are some ways to support your child.
There are many books about starting school, here are a few of my favorites:
What can be even more helpful is creating a social story for your child. You don’t have to be an artist or a writer, but making your own book or comic strip with the logistics of their school transition can be extremely helpful. It can include what their morning routine will look like (wakeup, get dressed, eat breakfast, etc), who will drive them to school, what their classroom will look like, who their class teacher will be, and who will pick them up at the end of the day.
Practicing their new school morning routine can also be helpful. Drive to their school once or twice so they are familiar with where it is and what it looks like. If you’re able to get out and look around, even better!