Eligible expenses covered by the CLF include assistive technology, household necessities, moving costs, physical therapy assessments, rent, utilities, and more. Since its launch, Marin CIL has served 70 community members through the CLF program, promoting individual choice in services and supports. Available through 2025, the CLF serves families in Marin, Solano, Sonoma, and Napa counties.
For enrollment or eligibility information, contact Marin CIL’s Transitions Navigator, Armin Damani, at 415-459-6245 x19 or armin@marincil.org.
Community living empowers individuals, regardless of age or disability, with full access to our community and the freedom to make choices about their lives. This includes decisions about their homes, managing personal resources, and accessing community services. SMMC is an organizational sponsor of Marin CIL’s caregiver support efforts, including our caregiver open house held this past March with 60+ attendees and included a follow up resources workshop. For SMMC members interested in supporting this and other critical community programs, contributions can be made at marincil.org/donate.